Drums (Acoustic / Electric)

Musicaid / Simmons Clap Trap

Product details

Rare / Original owner of this early generation Musicaid Clap Trap (later acquired / rebranded by Simmons). This was the 2nd generation unit that included the ‘Humanizer’ filter and in this crazy world, who couldn't be more human.  This is a piece of early 80's music history.  These were used / abused by the likes of Human League, Trobbing Gristle, Actor, to name a few.  This analog sonic wonder emulates human claps (I know, Duh), both as individual and as ensemble through the ragged setting. The Humanizer setting filters the sounds to change each clap.  

You can create realistic hand claps to high pitched finger snaps to thunderous white noise crash fury.  It's an incredibly creative sounding unit.  Many times, we'd used it to enhance recorded analog snare sounds to add that 80's noise / grit.  

It can be triggered manually, automatically or via drum triggers, audio, almost anything can bring a round of applause.  You can balance between the clap sound and the ‘crash / noise’ sounds.  Ultra clean, studio use only and a really cool piece of gear that needs a new home and is priced competitively to sell!

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